Vegan Lasagne Recipe

Vegan Lasagne Recipe

vegetarian lasagna spinach
vegetarian lasagna spinach from


Lasagne is a classic Italian dish that is loved by many around the world. It is a layered pasta dish that is typically made with meat and cheese. However, this vegan lasagne recipe is a fantastic alternative for those who are looking for a healthier, cruelty-free option.


Here are the ingredients you will need to make this vegan lasagne:
  • 1 large onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cans of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp of tomato puree
  • 1 tsp of dried oregano
  • 1 tsp of dried basil
  • 1 tsp of dried thyme
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1 tsp of black pepper
  • 1 can of green lentils
  • 1 box of lasagne sheets
  • 1 pack of vegan cheese
  • 1 tbsp of olive oil


Here are the steps to make this vegan lasagne:
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic into small pieces.
  3. Heat the olive oil in a large pan and add the onion and garlic.
  4. Sauté until the onion is translucent.
  5. Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, oregano, basil, thyme, salt, and pepper to the pan.
  6. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  7. Drain the can of green lentils and add them to the pan.
  8. Simmer for another 10 minutes.
  9. Remove the pan from the heat.
  10. Take a baking dish and spread a layer of the lentil sauce on the bottom.
  11. Add a layer of lasagne sheets on top of the lentil sauce.
  12. Add another layer of lentil sauce on top of the lasagne sheets.
  13. Add another layer of lasagne sheets on top of the lentil sauce.
  14. Continue layering until you run out of ingredients.
  15. Finish with a layer of vegan cheese on top of the lasagne sheets.
  16. Cover the baking dish with aluminium foil.
  17. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes.
  18. Remove the aluminium foil and bake for another 15 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbling.
  19. Remove from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before serving.
  20. Enjoy your delicious vegan lasagne!


Here is the nutrition information for this vegan lasagne recipe:
  • Calories: 350
  • Protein: 12g
  • Fat: 7g
  • Carbohydrates: 60g
  • Fiber: 12g


This vegan lasagne recipe is a fantastic alternative to the classic Italian dish. It is delicious, healthy, and cruelty-free. Give it a try and impress your family and friends with this tasty recipe!

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